Big Sky Coaching

The best coaching can transform both individuals and organisations. Big Sky's world-class master coaches focus on individual change to enhance and inspire exceptional performance.

By focusing on individual change, we enable each person to build on their inner beliefs, drive and purpose to create positive and lasting fulfillment. Our world-class coaches have extensive experience of working with people and organisations to inspire exceptional performance. Big Sky specialises in enhancing the power of the individual, and aligning it with the power of the team, the group, and the organisation.

Big Sky coaches have successfully improved individuals across all tiers of management but specialise in working with senior executives.

Areas of Coaching

  • Enhancing communication skills
  • Mastering presentation/pitching skills
  • Increased effectiveness in meetings, presentations, appraisals
  • More effective decision-making strategies
  • Motivating self and others
  • Effective Stress management
  • Supporting newly-promoted or appointed individuals
  • Precipitate sustainable behavioural change
  • Managing staff relations and conflict resolution
  • Conquering time management
  • Aligning teams and employees to the organisations' objectives and vision
  • Developing sales influencing and persuasion skills
  • Transforming leadership
  • Managing tactical and strategic planning

Organisations that use Big Sky have found that coaching leads to rapid and positive change. Such organisations have reported the following benefits:

  • Increased employee satisfaction/commitment
  • Reduced staff turnover
  • Enhanced communications
  • Increased organisational leadership
  • Increased sales and profits
  • Solution orientated thinking
  • Motivated teams and individuals
  • Improved productivity, quality and customer service
  • Retention of most talented employees
  • The Big Sky coaching programmes have been uniquely tailored to address the challenges of the current global market

The Big Sky Coaching Philosophy

We understand that every coaching interaction is unique. Great coaching is thoroughly client-centred and holistic and creates a positive mindset and peak performance across all areas of the individual's life. By gaining clarity in all areas, decision making becomes easier and clients move beyond their current limitation to realise their true potential.

Big Sky Coaching Programmes

Big Sky's coaching programmes have been developed over a number of years to improve performance through creating solution-focused decision making skills.

Each programme is tailored to address the unique challenges faced by individuals, teams or organisations and its effectiveness consistently monitored by analysis, assessment and feedback.

Big Sky Coaches

The difference that makes the difference with Big Sky's master coaches is that they are also successful business people with a true understanding of what it takes to achieve in industry. They have very special skills taken from a number of complementary coaching and life change and business disciplines. Each coach is highly qualified and continues to constantly grow their coaching capabilities.

One-to one coaching

A Big Sky coach will focus on the client agenda and develop and direct the client's flexibility, vision and wisdom. The coach provides support and clarity to enhance the client's ability, resourcefulness, and creativity.

Big Sky one to one coaching is based on a powerful, honest and secure conversation between client and coach. The future-focused techniques employed develop a relationship of mutual trust and respect that produce permanent shifts forward. The ongoing professional relationship helps to creates extraordinary results in every area of the individuals business and personal life enhancing their benefit to the organisation.

"You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself."